21 May 2013

Revisiting the Past

History serves as the ties that bind the Notre Dameans through the years.  As introduced by Dr. Norma F. Segocio, with the theme “Balik-Tanaw,” the NDDU exhibits during the 11th Biennial Reunion, simply aid visually to help trace back the past to the growth of the community.

This was a homecoming event held by Notre Dame of General Santos Alumni Association (NDGSA)- USA and Canada chapters in partnership with the Dominican Sisters of Sienna, Marist Brothers Community and University Community, in connection with the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Notre Dame spirit of verification and solidarity.

The motorcade of the participating communities started in the morning of May 21st from Notre Dame Siena College to NDDU-IBED Lagao where the program was conducted.

In his welcome message, Bro. John Y. Tan, FMS, executive assistant to the president said,   “We must keep paying forward. For whatever you sow you must reap. Never stop learning no matter how young you are. Never be afraid to make mistakes because even the most brilliant man makes it. What’s important is to learn from your mistakes. Never forget the Lord.”

Most displays from one side of the covered area were the history and citations of NDDU which include the activities, achievements and mission-vision statements of its departments namely: College of Engineering and Technology, College of Health Sciences, College of Education, College of Arts and Sciences, Business College and the Graduate School.

Celebrating its 50th year, the VOX Publication had its yearbooks from 1963-2011. Outstanding Alumni, Alumni Today Publications, Alumni Art Works by Mr. Bueno Silva and Alumni Book launching and re-launching of Southern Heritage history books from the 13th century by Dr. Santos and Mr. Jong Ramirez were also featured.

There also included was newly-launched Challenge 21, an educational strategy board game by Mr. Leonardo Mejia Yu.

In his speech, Mr. Chito de Guzman, PATA president proposed the alumni wall, two-classroom building at Maasim and library expansions.

            More activities were looked forward to for the rest of the year by the Notre Dameans to create a meaningful and productive 60th year celebration of the institution.


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